Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Water Shoot Guns

For the last month or so, Troy has brought up daily that he needs a "water shoot gun".  So luckily the Easter Bunny thought to put one in their Easter baskets.  He has never been so happy!  He wants to go play right when he gets up in the morning until right before bedtime.  Also, the yard is almost in full bloom.  Bright flowers are everywhere and I am swooning:)


Bonnie and Clyde

Monday, April 21, 2014


This Easter was the first spent without family and we missed everyone terribly.  Luckily, we have met a family down the street from us that have become somewhat like family to us.  They have two children that are a perfect fit for our little two.  So we had an Easter brunch and egg hunt with them at their house.  We dined on sticky buns, a ham/spinach/cheese strata and bacon.  The adults washed it all down with a bloody mary or mimosa.  It was all delicious!  Later that evening we used our newly constructed fire pit and had a hot dog roast for dinner.  The night was topped off with an owl siting.  It flew onto a branch right above us and checked us out for a few minutes.  We were all memorized and then it flew away.  (One plus to our new home is that we see so much bird life with the water being all around us.  We had a bald eagle earlier this week in our backyard which left us all  in awe.)

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter!  Miss and love all our family!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Team Crocodiles

Our Saturday mornings now consist of soccer games!  Troy absolutely LOVES to play and we love to watch him run and make friends.