Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Girls Rule the World

*A letter to my younger self, my sister and my daughter*

Nothing is harder or more special as being a girl.  There will be days when you feel like you can rule the world and other days where you wish you could just hide under a rock alone.  But don't ever feel like you are alone, there are so many people who love and cherish you.  Let them.  Your parents especially are your biggest fans.  They only want what's best for you, always.  Even when you don't understand or you think they are so bossy, they always mean well.  They love you and you won't understand how much until you have a child of your own.  Remember that they were young once too and as you are getting older so are they.  

Growing up is not easy.  You will think that when you break up with a boy or when you get in Big trouble, that your world is coming to an end.  "This too, shall pass."  One, five, ten years from now those things won't matter.  Sure they are important but only in a way to help you learn and grow and discover who you are.  You will spend too much effort and stress trying to fit in.  Having friends is important but make sure you surround yourself with people who truly love you for you.  Don't try to be someone you are not.  Be funny.  Be courageous.  Be kind.  Be a good listener.  Be happy.  Be YOU!

Love yourself, especially your body.  One day, if you are lucky, your body will create tiny miracles that will give your life purpose and meaning.  Be healthy but don't try so hard to be what you see in a magazine.  It's all airbrushed anyway.  It's not real.  Your heart will beat strong so that you can give and be loved.  Your legs will be strong so that you can have that first dance with the man of your dreams on your wedding day.  Your tummy will carry a new little heart one day.  When you are feeling low on self-esteem try to remember that you are so lucky.  There are many people out there that wish they could walk, wish they could run, wish they could have babies.  Your body is so much more than a weight or a jean size.  And don't try to fill a void with things.  Clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, make-up don't give your life worth.  Relationships and accomplishments do.

Boys...where to start?  Be in a relationship that makes you want to be a better you.  Be with someone that is your cheerleader not your critic.  Always try to understand from their point of view but stand your ground on what you believe to be right.  Don't let them hinder you in following your dreams.  They should want what's best for you.  Find a man that will be a great best friend, lover and father.   And leave the others at the curb and move on.  Don't waste your time on them.  You only have one life with a finite amount of time.  Make those years count.

Don't live in the past or the future.  Live in the right now, the present.  This moment in time will not happen again.  There are no do-overs.  Laugh when your happy, cry when you need to and think and dream big.  

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